Monday, November 05, 2007
Ken Jennings Tuesday Trivia - October 30
1. What university borrowed the name for its sports teams from the Greek word for "what"? got to be an unusual nickname. Yale Elis is for their founder. How about Georgetown. Maybe that is what a Hoya is.
2. What does it mean when a 'Q' is appended to the end of a company's stock ticker symbol? that stock is traded on NASDAQ exchange
3. What two U.S. states have musical instruments pictured on their state quarters? Tennessee and Louisiana
4. Except for its 2004 pilot, what TV show has titled all fifty of its episodes (to date) to begin with the same letter? after a little research, I think this is The L Word. I think it is unfair to ask questions like this about cable shows.
5. What natural Earth phenomenon can reach a temperature of 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, five times hotter than the surface of the sun? volcano?
6. What director also wrote short fiction under the pen name "Ann Gora"? no idea
7. What unusual distinction is shared by all of these famous paintings? Breughel's The Peasant Wedding, Constable's The Haywain, Courbet's Burial at Ornans, Manet's Luncheon of the Boating Party, Rembrandt's The Night Watch, Titian's Venus of Urbino, Van Eyck's Arnolfini Wedding, Velazquez's Las Meninas. each has a dog in the scene
1. In 2000, who became the only two-time Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year? Tiger Woods, and I wondered for about five seconds if I should add the word "solo" somewhere in the question, because Curt Schilling also won a second Sportsman of the Year title, sorta, in 2004, when the whole Red Sox squad was honored. Nah, I decided. No one's going to bother me about that. Boy was I wrong!
2. What two U.S. states have capitals named for people who were executed? Minnesota and North Carolina, for the Apostle Paul and Walter Raleigh, respectively. Note to Nebraska boosters: Lincoln wasn't "executed" really, was he?
3. What did the Electro String Instrument Corporation change its name to, to capitalize on a distant relationship between its founders and a World War I hero? Rickenbacker guitars are named (sort of) in honor of flying ace Eddie Rickenbacker.
4. Which knight of King Arthur's Round Table is Sir Lancelot's son? Galahad is the bastard in question.
5. Who appears, in front of a landscape of a different nation entirely, on New Zealand's five-dollar note? Sir Edmund Hillary is on the kiwi five-dollar bill. The landscape behind him is Nepal: the peak of Mount Everest, in fact.
6. What's the only city to twice host a season of MTV's The Real World? New York in 1991 and 2001, though 2008's Hollywood season will be the second L.A.-area setting.
7. What unusual distinction is shared by these actors? Alan Arkin, Emilio Estevez, Henry Fonda, Ian Holm, Milla Jovovich, Gary Oldman, Peter Ustinov, and John Wayne. This one was meant to be hard, but even I was surprised by how few people caught on to my tenuous little theme: each of these actors has played one of the historical figures who time-travel in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (respectively: Freud, Billy the Kid, Lincoln, Napoleon, Joan of Arc, Beethoven, Socrates, and Genghis Khan). Be excellent to each other, everyone.