Wednesday, February 01, 2012


Ken Jennings Tuesday Trivia - January 31

1.  A former Iowa attorney named Clyde Tolson is best known as the long-time assistant and protege of what famous man?  does he work for Warren Buffet?  is this the famous secretary/assistant?
2.  What number is both the number of people in Edward Hopper's Nighthawks and the number of timepieces in Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory?  1? 2 perhaps?  I think it is just 1
3.  Zoologically, what three-letter word can refer to a male swan, a small horse, or a spider?  cob
4.  In 2001, what influential music website was finally able to buy its Web domain name from a livestock company in Butte Falls, Oregon?  probably not iTunes.  Napster?  Maybe "nap" for the coat of sheep? 
5.  Who famously made "the Guarantee" to a crowd at the Miami Touchdown Club on January 9, 1969?  this one I know - Joe Namath
6.  Which of the five basic tastes is added to a cocktail by mixing in Angostura, Regan's, or Peychaud's?  sweet, sour, salty, bitter or umami?  I think that I recognize Angoustura as a bitter.  Bitters.

Beginning this week, I will offset Q7 by a week so that people cannot use my answers (whether correct or not) if they are actually participating in the KJ Tuesday Trivia scoring.

1.  Who was the only U.S. president born during World War I?  JFK was born May 29, 1917.  Born four years before: Nixon and Ford.  Born next: George H. W. Bush, seven years later.  I was right that GHWB is not old enough to have been born in WWI.  Never thought of JFK who would be 94 years old if still alive.
2.  What's the only non-contagious disease that children can be vaccinated against?  Tetanus is infectious (watch out for those rusty nails!) but it's not contagious.  "He's gotta have his dip-tet, honey!"  glad I have my polio vaccine since it is actually quite contagious.  If I had just gone through the DPT vaccine components, I would have figured this out.  
3.  Why has no one ever seen a full episode of the TV shows MILF Island, Gold Case, The Queen of Jordan, or America's Kids Got Singing?  They don't exist, sadly, but are only shows-within-shows on NBC's recently returned comedy 30 Rock.  I guessed SNL, the show that 30 Rock originally was loosely based on.
4.  In the first paragraph of a 1919 Booth Tarkington novel, what family is compared to the Medicis' Lorenzo the Magnificent?  Those are the Ambersons, of Magnificent Ambersons fame.  (The brilliant Orson Welles film adaptation is, by the way, out on DVD this week.)  correct.  hey I got one.
5.  The Drake Passage lies between what two continents?  Legend has it that Francis Drake sighted the passage between South America and Antarctica when he circumnavigated the Earth, but in fact he probably cut between Chile and Tierra del Fuego, as was the style at the time.  The first actual passage of the Drake Passage probably didn't happen for fifty more years.  correct again.  on a roll now!
6.  Which 2011 Oscar-hopeful film is based on a West End and Broadway theatrical hit performed using oversized puppets?  This was the $150-per-seat puppet show that inspired Steven Spielberg to make War Horse.  In fairness, the puppets are pretty awesome.  correct
7.  What unusual distinction is shared by these songs?  "Daydream Believer," Weezer's "Dreamin'", "Fools Rush In," "Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding," "Guess I'm Doing Fine," "I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got," "Over the Rainbow," "Ramble On," "Winter Wonderland," "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah."  They all have bluebirds.  Going by song lyrics, people in the 1930s and 1940s were REALLY into bluebirds.  correct.  at least I got Q7

Hey, this is Ken Jennings. I've never complained about your using my content before, but your blog is often Google-indexed pretty quickly nowadays. This means that, on weeks when you get Question Seven correctly, so can any of my players. Since we keep score, this is problematic.

What would you think about leaving out Question Seven from now on, or delaying Question Seven one week, or not posting the answer to that one until the following week? That's what the guys on the boards when they do the quiz on the web, and it works out okay. Thanks.
You bet. I guess that I did not think that people would use someone else's answer. That's not playing by the rules! I'll offset Q7 by a week which seems like a reasonable approach. Thanks so much for the heads up.
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