Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Ken Jennings Tuesday Trivia - April 22

1.  What's the more common name for the biblical practice of lapidation, experienced by Naboth in 1 Kings 21 and Stephen in Acts 6?  lapidary - isn't that a term for a jeweller? But I do not know what that means in terms of a Biblical practice unless it means that they were be-jewelled or crowned.
2.  Which historic county of England has a white rose on its flag?  is white rose from the House of Lancaster --> Lancashire?
3.  Because the Packers were playing the Steelers, Super Bowl XLV, in 2011, was the first Super Bowl in at least four decades not to feature what?  a guess - a team from the original AFL.  Super Bowl V featured the Cowboys and the Colts, neither of whom are original AFL teams.
4.  There are two world heads of state who were also prime ministers of their respective countries before beginning their current term as president.  Name either one.  Vladimir Putin
5.  A medical therapy called CPAP is used to help patients do what? CPAP is used by people with sleep apnea so it keeps them breathing while they sleep
6.  The world's three largest luxury automakers are all headquartered in what country?  I am going to say Germany.  Thinking of Mercedes, BMW and Audi.
7.  What unusual distinction is shared by these songs?  "Long Black Veil" by The Band, "Golden Hours" by Brian Eno, "Grey Seal" by Elton John, "Little Green" by Joni Mitchell, "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain" by Willie Nelson, "White" by Frank Ocean, "Computer Blue" by Prince, "Orange Crush" by REM, "Pink Thing" by XTC, and (sort of) "Blackbird" by the Beatles.  Although they all contain a color in the title, I think the unusual distinction is that they all appeared on albums with different colors in the titles.  Music From Big Pink, Another Green World, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Blue, Red Headed Stranger, etc.  Beatles is sort of because the official title of the album is The Beatles although everyone knows it as the White Album.

1.  Behind-the-scenes drama on what TV hit has led to the exit of its first two showrunners, Frank Darabont and then Glen Mazzara?  The Walking Dead has had more than its share of walking producers.  correct
2.  What does the 'I' stand for in IPA, a term used since 1829 to refer to a hoppy style of beer?  IPA beers are "India Pale Ale."  correct
3.  What's the only continent without an active volcano?  Australia hasn't had an eruption since Mt. Gambier, five hours southeast of Adelaide, blew its top about 4,500 years ago.  correct
4.  Between 330 and 323 BC, who was both king of Persia and Pharaoh of Egypt?  He was also the ruler of Macedon and "King of Asia": Alexander the Great.  Three continents, real triple threat.  correct
5.  What cause is represented by a popular bumper sticker symbol: two horizontal yellow rectangles placed one atop the other on a blue square background?  That's the logo for the Human Rights Campaign, and symbolizes LGBT equality.  I guess that yellow on red is for marriage equality and yellow on blue is for LGBT.  Seems like there is some overlap between the two.
6.  What tree's bark has been used as a pain reliever for thousands of years, because it contains salicin, a precursor to aspirin?  Aspirin was derived from willow trees.  I could not remember willow.  This is a very good Jeopardy question.  I need to know stuff like this.
7. What unusual distinction is shared by all these novels?  Breakfast of Champions, Gossip Girl, Lolita, The Lovely Bones, Main Street, The Monkey's Raincoat, The Power and the Glory, Tintin in Tibet.  Each has a character who shares his or her surname with a fish: Kilgore Trout, Chuck Bass, John Ray, Susie Salmon, Guy Pollock, Joe Pike, Mr. Tench, and Captain Haddock   well at least I was correct on Q7

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